Giving Thanks in Pandemic
/A Pastoral Letter
Dear Ones,
It appears we missed our very brief window to come together. I find myself relating more and more to Paul as he wrote letters to the early church. This is far from what I ever dreamt the beginning of a new call would look like.
Part of me is sad. Of all the things I feel like I need to do for you, putting the body of Christ in your hands felt like the most important. We are so hungry for that sustenance. Yet I know the Word feeds us and the Spirit sustains us.
Part of me is relieved. In the end, our window was so brief we would have missed our chance for communion either way and I would have been more disappointed to come together for a couple weeks and get so close to safe communion only to have it withheld again. I am also relieved over even one person being put at risk or being left out.
I imagine you are experiencing many similar feelings. We all miss being together. I imagine we are also afraid if we keep waiting, our community will scatter to a degree that we cannot recover. Of course, financial fears are also a part of this as well. Are people giving less becuase they cannot afford to or becuase they think we have nothing that needs giving to? Or worse... because they have forgotten we are here? I hear the words over and over: will we ever get together again?
My miliatary life expereince has taught me many things. One of the most imporatant is that relationship can sustain extended lack of contact and even communication yet resume as though no time passed at all without detriment. More importantly, our faith teaches me that our participation in the body of Christ is not at risk. Ever. Christ has secured our place with the saints, past, present, and future. The church is not going away- in fact, it isn't even closed. It is just sent out in a whole new way.
I know there is fear for our congregation. Let me assure you that God is bigger than congregations and the love of Christ is so much more expansive and present than that of any one building or group of us. We are secure, beloved. Christ has seen to that.
I firmly believe that when we can come together safely once more, we will be gathered in great number and celebrate with full festivity. In the meantime, it may seem as though we are not "doing" much. Trust me, we are doing far more than can be seen. The activity of the church is not measured in worship or coffee hours. It is measured in care for the world, for each other and those in need. As we remain gathered online for worship, we continue to care for the hungry, feeding over 1,000 meals a week at the soup kitchen and gathering food stuffs for the local food pantries. We continue to offer financial support to shelters and ministries that care for the homeless, lonely, and forgotten of the world. We have a new joint ministry that is providing quilts to those who are cold and missing home, as new immigrants to our nation who have only the clothes on their back as they are seeking housing, jobs, and education in their new country. These quilts wrap them in more than physical warmth, they wrap them in love and a message of welcome. Most importantly, we are keeping our communities safe by continuing efforts to flatten the curve and save lives while we wait for a vaccine or viable treatment plan. Every time you willingly wear a mask, stay home, leave social distancing, you are potentially saving a life. You are easing the burden on medical staff at local hospitals. You are saving me from a funeral, and saving one another from the grief of losing someone we love too soon. This IS active ministry. It is not visible, but it is vital and you are doing it! Thank you for showing this deep level of love and compassion.
Please keep an eye out for additional ways to care for community. We continue to have legislative actions for justice, hungry neighbors, and lonely souls. Our work as the body is full and remains vital. Everyone has a way they can participate- even if you must stay home.
Our advent is swiftly approaching. There will be a way to retrieve an advent and christmas bag as well as use another shared worship space by appointment (like the All Saints Outdoor Chapel event). If you have ability to participate, we invite you to reach out to me and the planning teams will gladly set you to task!
In the meantime, we pray. We will continue to work on our graduated plans for return to worship so that when the next window arrives, we can take it. We will continue to praise God who remains with us- Emmanuel, and we will hold steadfast in our love for our neighbor. Stay vigilant and open hearted dear ones, like the bridesmaids, keep your lamp at the ready to celebrate. We will be together soon.
In Faithful Submission to Christ, I remain yours truly,
Pastor Julie